We know from personal experience how special the first days of your new baby’s life are, and we are honored to be among the first to get to meet them. We'd like to thank you for inviting us into your home, and we promise to be respectful of your space and your family. Sandbox Photographers Newborn Sessions are lifestyle sessions focused on capturing your new family in your natural habitat. We will use mostly natural light (when available), and personal items such as blankets and clothing that you already own.
All family members present will be in the photos, so please make sure everyone dresses accordingly and is “photo ready” when we arrive. This doesn't mean you have to be fancy unless you want to. We love that perfect family photo almost as much as the messy pajama photos and that just got out of bed look, so whatever works for you and your family will be great. Please keep reading for some tips on how to be best prepared for our session:
how to prep
Tidy Up! Make sure your home is as neat as you like it. Keep in mind that the camera sees everything: tissue boxes, cables & stray water bottles included. You can always shove everything in a closet, we promise we won’t tell!
Think about the details! We know you have a lot on your mind with the new baby, but tiny details like filing/painting your nails will make a difference when photographing close ups of you holding your baby.
Do not make plans immediately following your newborn session. You want to be relaxed and have time to follow baby’s lead with regards to how much time we need. Newborn sessions may last up to 2-3 hours depending on baby’s mood. We won’t be photographing the entire time, just leaving time for any feeding, burping, diaper changes etc.
Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable, and fabulous. If you feel good, you look good (some clichés are true). We don’t recommend everyone matching perfectly, however do choose a color scheme for the family and pick out clothing within that color scheme for everyone. Different hues of the same couple of colors can work great. For newborn sessions lighter more muted colors often work better than dark and bold colors.
Be prepared for a fun relaxed session. The more comfortable you feel, the more natural the photos will be.